Fundraising and project management

Donors must be retained at all costs. The same goes for funds and other sources of income. Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud offers the right tools to attract and retain donors and to show them where their money goes. Make a greater impact with a global CRM solution.

Salesforce Non Profit Cloud

Donors well managed

What is Salesforce Non Profit Cloud?

Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud offers non-profit organisations a solution that is specifically adapted to their needs. With Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud, you can easily streamline donor recruitment and fundraising, monitor the progress of projects and produce clear reports on your activities. Outbirds looks forward to helping you realise this.


For non-profit organisations, managing donors is essential. It is important to maintain a close relationship with your funders. Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud gives you the tools to build strong relationships with donors, funds and other sources of income. It offers a professional approach to a serious challenge. Let Outbirds help you grow.


Donors, subsidy providers and funds want to know what happens to their money. Whether you need to produce mandatory reporting or because you wish to showcase your results, Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud allows you to manage programmes efficiently and monitor results.

Want to know more about Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud?

Salesforce according to Outbirds

By working with consultants from Outbirds, you gain access to specialists who feel like colleagues. Whether it’s implementations, administration or project management, we tackle the challenges you face together. We lead the way and take you with us.

  • Agile methods

  • Autonomous professionals

  • Always a single point of contact

  • We understand your market

  • Specialists who feel like colleagues

  • Clear vision for digitalisation